Debt & Corporate Restructuring

At Redcliffe Training, we offer unparalleled expertise in Debt and Corporate Restructuring training for high-level professionals. Our courses are meticulously designed and delivered by former practitioners who provide practical insights and best practices tailored to your needs. For any enquiries or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Expert Debt and Corporate Restructuring Training

Course Title
Modelling for Corporate Restructuring

Learn the practitioner’s guide to modelling for corporate restructuring

Advanced Restructuring - Step by Step

Learn practical guidance on navigating the critical issues facing debtors, creditors, advisors & management at each stage of the process; strategies for managing existing and aggressive out-of-the-money creditors and the pros and cons of implementing the various restructuring options

Advanced Debt Restructuring

Learn and develop a holistic, applied approach to early problem loan workouts for lenders

Schemes of Arrangements, Restructuring Plans & Chapter 11

Learn the key legal and commercial issues of Schemes of Arrangement, Restructuring Plans and Chapter 11

Tax Issues in Corporate Restructuring

Learn the key tax issues in corporate restructuring

Restructuring High Yield Bonds

Learn and examine the market techniques, methods and tools used to restructure high-yield bonds

Valuing Distressed Corporate Debt

Learn about the current distressed debt market structure and drivers

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Your Debt Restructuring Journey

If you want to excel in the field of debt and corporate restructuring, you have the opportunity to select from many high-quality courses led by time-served experts.

Consider two of our advanced courses: Advanced Restructuring - Step by Step and Advanced Debt Restructuring training for comprehensive insights into intricate restructuring strategies. Sessions delve deep into advanced techniques and methodologies essential for navigating complex restructuring scenarios and assessing distressed corporate debt effectively.

Flexible Learning Options

Courses are delivered as live interactive virtual classes on specific dates, facilitating real-time engagement and interaction with our expert trainers. If an online session doesn’t suit you, we offer bespoke in-house training sessions, allowing you or your company to tailor curriculums to specific requirements and schedules to your needs.

Fixed Time Promotions & Bundle Savings

Take advantage of fixed-time promotions for our public restructuring courses and maximise savings by booking across multiple sessions. Our flexible booking policy enables participants to register for different courses while still enjoying the same discount benefits.

Key Courses and Topics Covered

Explore our extensive range of Debt and Corporate Restructuring training, including Tax Issues in Corporate Restructuring and much more. Whether you're determined to master valuing distressed debt or how modelling for corporate restructuring works, topics covered across sessions include:

  • Debt Restructuring Strategies
  • Financial Distress Analysis
  • Corporate Turnaround Tactics
  • Distressed Asset Valuation
  • Negotiation Techniques

Take Action: Book Corporate Restructuring Courses Here

For further information or to discuss bespoke restructuring training options, please reach out to us at +44 (0) 20 7387 4484 or fill out our contact form. Elevate your expertise in Debt and Corporate Restructuring with Redcliffe Training and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.

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