This course on Emerging Technologies in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning explores cutting-edge AI and machine learning applications transforming the financial industry, equipping professionals with practical knowledge of implementation strategies and emerging trends.
The first half of the training consists of the key topics including the foundations and evolution of AI and ML in Finance, data and technical infrastructure requirements for financial AI and ML applications, with ethical and regulatory considerations and compliance frameworks and the emerging trends and technologies of AI and ML. The core technologies of AI and ML explained include Natural Language Processing (NLP) for financial text analysis and sentiment extraction, computer vision applications in fraud detection and security, reinforcement learning for portfolio optimization and trading and time series forecasting models for market prediction. The applications of the core technologies like algorithmic trading systems and execution algorithms, credit scoring and risk assessment models, customer segmentation and personalized financial products, fraud detection and anti-money laundering systems and Robo-advisors and automated wealth management are illustrated and explained with real life case studies and examples.
The second half of the training consists of the application of AI and ML technologies in the areas of trading and investment, risk management, customer facing applications, compliance and fraud detection, operational efficiency and investment management. The ethical and regulatory compliance considerations of the AI and ML applications including regulatory compliance, fairness and bias, transparency and data privacy and security, systemic risk considerations, human oversight requirements and emerging standards of governance are enunciated and illustrated with real case studies and examples.