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How to Sell a Business

Learn the key issues involved in selling a business

A Man on phone while standing next to a skyscraper

A half-day course

Understanding why Businesses are Sold & Bought

Business selling training at Redcliffe ensures an understanding of the reasons surrounding selling and buying:

  • Seller circumstances
  • Management focus/strategic change
  • Is price everything? Other criteria
  • Buyer motives

Alternative Methods of Sale

  • ‘Seven solutions’
  • When is an IPO an option?
  • Auction sale to trade
  • Private equity/MBO

Choosing an Adviser and a Deal Team – The Seller’s Perspective

  • How to differentiate and choose the right adviser
  • Other advisers
  • The role of management – incentives and rewards

Business Value Framework

  • Three main approaches: assets, earnings, market
  • Focus on cash flow to understand the fundamentals of value
  • Enterprise (business) value and equity value

Pre-Sale Preparation

  • Business selling training covers the steps that can or should be considered, and the reasons
  • Contrast long-lead time, multi-year preparation with immediate launch
  • Focus on the presentation of ‘clean’ financial information
  • Case study - Dealing with an inbound approach and no prior preparation

 Tradecraft and Timetable

  • Sell-side best practice
  • Review the classic M&A auction process
  • Principles underlying – information release and what this means for buyer and seller
  • Evolution from the expression of interest through to indicative and final offers
  • What happens after ‘final offers’?
  • Case study – classic auction approach

Process Choices

  • Full auction to a wide range of buyers
  • Focused marketing to a small number of buyers – when is this appropriate?
  • How to Sell a Business training includes the following case Studies:
    • Case study – ‘under the radar’ marketing
    • Case study – use of A and B lists
    • Case study – a twin-track sale

Transaction Marketing Documents

  • Teaser, IM, management presentation
  • Understand the place of each
  • How to transact without an IM

Information Release and Due Diligence Choices

  • The place of due diligence – interaction with the marketing documents
  • Overview of core diligence areas
  • Potential areas of specialist investigation
  • Issues in leaving all the diligence to the buyer
  • When should VDD or vendor assistance be used?
  • How due diligence can, and will, affect the deal is considered during business selling training


  • Why these are likely to be more important with post-Covid uncertainty
  • How do earn-outs work?
  • Issues for sellers

Cash, Debt and Working Capital

  • Seller's perspective on these key value points
  • Finalising Procedures - Completion accounts vs locked box – When is each method appropriate?
  • Why sellers prefer a locked box

Legal Agreements – Key Issues for Sellers

How to sell a business training covers:

  • NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
  • Heads of agreement – where do these fit in and what do they achieve?
  • Purchase agreement
  • Disclosure letter, warranties and indemnities – interaction with due diligence

Business selling training at Redcliffe is delivered by an expert with over thirty years dedicated to corporate finance and capital markets transactions. Across three decades our knowledgeable trainer has held client-side positions and led advisory teams.

At the Department of Energy, he was a civil servant involved in the privatisation of British Gas, a global IPO involving a large advisory team. He also worked for two years (1990-92) in the Hungarian Government privatisation agency collaborating with numerous advisory firms, as the changing political environment triggered massive ownership change.

Our expert has worked at major investment banks including Swiss Bank Corporation International, now UBS, and Lazard. Additionally, he co-founded a successful M&A advisory boutique firm. This trainer retired from KPMG in 2021 having spent 13 years at the firm’s global M&A business, based in Scotland.

His experience combines business selling and a broad range of M&A and equity transactions in North and Central America, Asia Pacific, all the major European countries and most recently, Africa. His courses draw deeply on case studies from transactions he has run, bringing practical examples to set alongside the theory.

How to sell a business covers the important objectives you’ll face:
  • This course is appropriate for business owners/sellers and their legal and financial advisers
  • Enable practitioners with less experience to accelerate their learning around the sale of a business, through discussion of tradecraft, alternatives, case studies and best practices
  • Give an understanding of why businesses are sold, and also why they are bought
  • Help sellers understand the options open to them in planning a process and the choices at each stage
  • Draw out key value points and other commercial terms where wins and losses may ensue
  • Business selling training gives participants the confidence to know what’s ‘around the corner’ in this often complex process

  • At Redcliffe Training, sessions include an immediate, concise and complete overview of every aspect involved in selling a business
  • Insight - Show the sale process through the eyes of sellers – and buyers
  • Appreciate the many different ways in which businesses can be sold – and the choices that sellers have to make, i.e. what is the best way to sell a business?
  • Sets out the business principles underlying the marketing of a business, its value and how processes are staged
  • Clear explanation of the timeline, including how value evolves and is finally agreed, i.e. how do you price a business to sell?
  • Gives the roles and perspectives of all parties – buyer, seller, management and the various advisers involved
  • Understand the link between commercial discussions and legal agreements
  • Redcliffe’s course on how to sell a business is delivered by an expert with over 25 years of experience in negotiating and closing M&A transactions

How to sell a business is a ‘must know’ for anyone involved, or expecting to be, in the sale of a business, including:

  • Business owners considering a sale, especially owner-managers who may wish to have a better understanding of what a sale involves and the alternatives to a sale
  • Family business advisers
  • M&A professionals in investment banks, boutique advisory businesses, and the corporate finance arms of accountancy firms
  • Corporate business development teams, for example in large, diverse PLCs where disposals of parts of the business may be on the agenda
  • Venture capitalists wishing to understand the options for their growth investments
  • Private equity professionals

And a ‘nice to know’ for:

  • Legal and other advisers involved in the M&A process, seeking a better understanding of the business sales process and how the M&A processes principles and their financial advisers initiate deals, structure sale processes and negotiate terms.

Business selling training is an online, interactive session that is particularly helpful to those with some experience in the acquisition process and wishing to accelerate their understanding of what underpins successful deals.

At Redcliffe Training our course on how to sell a business covers every aspect encountered during the process. From considering the motives of potential sellers ahead of time to details of final pricing and the legal agreements, we have you covered.

A key element is explaining the importance of thoroughly preparing a business sale and the benefits this brings, through a focused sales effort aimed at maximising value.

The principal steps in the sale process, and the key documents at each stage, are clearly explained in the course. An important section focuses on the value of understanding potential buyers, and how best to drive their interest: selling a business calls for a thoughtful, bespoke negotiating strategy; even if you want to learn how to sell a small business.

Anyone considering selling a business or wishing to work with sellers will benefit from this business selling training.

  • Slides were helpful, examples and case studies were excellent. Lots of helpful content
  • The content was very thorough and covered every aspect of the deal and the instructor was clearly very knowledgeable and was more than happy to answer any questions which made the course more enjoyable.

Have this course presented In-House

  • On a date, time and in a location of your choice
  • Topics expanded or deleted to your bespoke requirements

Have this course pre-recorded

  • Full course recording edited exclusively for your company
  • Files converted to enable housing on your LMS
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