Global Mobility Solutions: UK Tax Issues & Mitigation

20 July 2023
This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the key tax issues related to domicile and residency, and offers valuable insights into effectively mitigating tax liabilities for UK resident employees engaged in global mobility solutions.


In an increasingly interconnected world, businesses are expanding their global presence to seize opportunities and stay competitive. This globalisation has led to a rise in international assignments and the need for efficient global mobility solutions. These solutions facilitate the movement of talent across borders, enabling companies to leverage the expertise of their employees worldwide. However, with this international mobility comes a web of complex tax implications, particularly for UK resident employees. This article provides a comprehensive exploration of the key tax issues related to domicile and residency, and offers valuable insights into effectively mitigating mobility tax liabilities for UK resident employees engaged in global mobility solutions.

Understanding Domicile and Residency


Domicile represents an individual's permanent home and legal connection to a specific country. Unlike residency, which is based on the duration of physical presence in a country, domicile is a more subjective concept related to an individual's intent to reside indefinitely in a particular country. Domicile status is particularly significant in the UK tax system, as non-domiciled residents enjoy specific tax advantages. Understanding and establishing the correct domicile status is crucial for UK resident employees, as it can have a profound impact on their tax obligations.

In the UK, individuals can be considered domiciled in the country either by birth or through the process of acquiring a domicile of choice. Non-domiciled individuals can benefit from the "remittance basis" of taxation, where they are only taxed on income and gains that are brought (remitted) to the UK. However, for those who have been resident in the UK for an extended period, a "remittance basis charge" may apply, limiting the tax advantages of this status.


Residency is a fundamental factor in determining an individual's tax obligations in a country. Each country has its own set of criteria to define residency, and an individual may be considered a tax resident in more than one country simultaneously, leading to the potential risk of double taxation.

In the UK, the Statutory Residence Test (SRT) is used to determine an individual's residency status. The SRT considers various factors, including the number of days spent in the UK, connections to the UK, and previous residency status. UK tax residents are liable for tax on their worldwide income, while non-residents are only taxed on their UK-sourced income.

It is essential for UK resident employees to correctly establish their residency status to ensure appropriate tax planning and compliance with tax regulations, especially when participating in global mobility solutions that involve working in multiple countries.

Mitigating Tax Liabilities for UK Resident Employees

Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs)

Double Taxation Agreements play a pivotal role in international/global tax planning. These bilateral agreements between countries aim to prevent the double taxation of an individual's income by providing relief from taxes already paid in one country. DTAs establish rules for allocating taxing rights between countries and offer mechanisms to resolve potential disputes.

For UK resident employees engaged in global mobility solutions, DTAs can be invaluable in reducing tax liabilities. By understanding the specific provisions of the relevant DTAs, individuals can optimise their tax positions and avoid double taxation scenarios.

Tax Equalisation Policies

Many multinational companies implement tax equalisation policies to address the tax complexities faced by employees on international assignments. These policies ensure that employees do not experience significant changes in their take-home pay due to varying tax rates and regulations in different countries.

Under tax equalisation policies, employees continue to pay taxes as if they were still in their home country, and the employer covers any additional tax liabilities arising from their international assignment. This approach provides certainty and financial stability to employees, making international assignments more attractive and helping companies attract and retain top talent.

Tax Planning and Structuring

Proactive tax planning and structuring are essential for UK resident employees working abroad. By anticipating tax implications before accepting an international assignment, individuals can strategically manage their finances to minimise tax liabilities and maximise tax-efficient investments.

International tax planning may involve utilising tax-efficient investment vehicles, understanding the tax implications of different compensation structures, and aligning tax strategies with personal financial goals. By taking a proactive approach to global tax planning, UK resident employees can optimise their overall financial position and mitigate potential tax burdens.

Utilising Tax Reliefs and Incentives

The UK tax system offers various reliefs and incentives to support UK resident employees working abroad. For instance, the "split-year treatment" allows individuals who become UK tax residents during a tax year or cease to be UK tax residents to be taxed on a pro-rata basis. This relieves employees from being taxed on income earned before or after their period of UK residency, reducing their tax liability for that particular year.

Additionally, specific tax exemptions may apply to certain types of income, such as foreign earnings or benefits related to overseas work. By taking advantage of these reliefs and incentives, UK resident employees can effectively reduce their tax liabilities while working internationally.


As global mobility becomes an integral part of modern business strategies, understanding the tax implications for UK resident employees is paramount. The complex interplay of domicile, residency, and international tax regulations requires careful attention and strategic planning to ensure tax compliance and mitigate potential tax liabilities.

UK resident employees engaged in global mobility solutions should seek professional advice from tax experts well-versed in international tax matters. By proactively addressing domicile and residency issues and implementing effective tax mitigation strategies, UK resident employees can confidently navigate the global mobility landscape, optimise their financial positions, and make the most of their international assignments. Moreover, employers must support their mobile workforce by providing transparent and comprehensive tax equalisation policies to attract and retain top talent while managing the tax complexities associated with international assignments. Together, these measures create a win-win scenario, benefiting both employees and businesses in the increasingly interconnected global marketplace.

Looking to learn more about Global Mobility Solutions? Click below to find out more about Redcliffe Training’s Global Mobility Solutions: The Tax Issues online training course:

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