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Intellectual Property Law for the Working Lawyer

A practical analysis of intellectual property issues that may arise in everyday business, takeovers and mergers for non-intellectual property law specialists.

A colorful sea anemone with a unique shape and texture leaving an unimaginable mark

A one-day IP Law course

The Types of Intellectual Property: An Introduction

  • Patents
  • Trademarks
  • Copyright
  • 'Know-how'
  • Design rights

Situations Where IP Will Be Encountered

  •  Mergers and acquisitions
  •  Transfers of rights
  •  Employees inventions
  •  Work written by consultants and advertising agencies.
  •  Licensing

Due Diligence: Issues That Must Be Checked

  • Checklist

Purchase of Rights: How Do You Find What is Valid & Subsisting?

  • Checklist

Where Does Ownership Lie? What Makes Transfer Effective?

  • IP Law training checklist


  • Likely tribunals and judges
  • International litigation; what differences occur in other countries?
  • Likely costs

Good Housekeeping For a Company

  • Ownership of rights
  • Renewals system
  • Non-use notification system
  • License of right date system
  • Setting up IP management systems

Our IP Law course is delivered by a trainer named one of the top 250 women in intellectual property law in the world as designated by Managing Intellectual Property. Qualified as a barrister and a chartered trademark attorney, she comes with a 30-year career dedicated to intellectual property. Her journey has included leadership roles in professional bodies to which she has belonged, including chairing committees for the INTA and her firm and taking a major role on examination committees for the CITMA; the UK chartered institute.

Originally qualified as a barrister before going in-house and spending time interning in a magic circle firm of UK solicitors she finally ended up a partner at a well-known firm of patent attorneys. It was here our intellectual property law training expert became the first female head of department within her partnership. In her career, she has covered a wide gamut of intellectual property. Whilst her major expertise is trademarks, she has also advised on matters in copyright, designs, confidential information, patents, and licensing agreements in these areas.

Having been called as a barrister, the trainer spent a year in pupillage with a Queen's Counsel specialising in intellectual property. She then moved into industry, first in-house working on both luxury goods and tobacco products later in an international record company and finally at a cosmetics company. Accordingly, our intellectual property lawyer course leader has worked both in-house for major blue chip companies within the intellectual property sector, and as an external advisor for a diverse range of clients including international airlines, pharmaceutical companies, daily newspapers and financial behemoths. She has directed prosecution and litigation in practically all countries of the world and has an international network.

Our trainer was the external examiner for the Institute of Trademark Attorneys and has also acted for many years as a judge in the Oxford University international intellectual property law mooting competition.
She has spoken at events that are as diverse as US Bar Association meetings, the Canadian Institute of Intellectual Property, and the Institute of Directors. She has also appeared on the BBC, both television and radio, acting as an expert commentator on IP matters. Finally, our IP law course trainer has been the chair of the White Paper conference on trademark law for the last three years.

Intellectual Property Law training explains the following to delegates:
  • The various types of intellectual property they may encounter
  • Situations where intellectual property will become a focus
  • Ownership issues
  • Issues that may arise in mergers and acquisitions
  • Intellectual property litigation questions
  • Likely costs to be encountered
  • Good housekeeping for a company owning intellectual property

At Redcliffe Training our intellectual property law course is led by an expert who has seen IP issues from all viewpoints. Whilst she originally qualified as a barrister, she has worked within firms of solicitors, in-house and at patent and trademark partnerships.

She has extensively worked to support company managers and executives who know little about IP but need to learn quickly.

Her knowledge and experience give attendees an idea of what they will need to question on IP rights when advising on acquisitions, what issues may arise in IP litigation and tips on good housekeeping for IP management.

The course covers the type of problems which may confront a practitioner who knows that intellectual property exists. But will need to know what questions to ask to make that knowledge valuable in everyday management and one-off deals.

Included as IP law training course materials are draft documents that may be of considerable use as precedents, for a party that does not have intellectual property as an everyday issue.

Suggested attendees for this intellectual property lawyer course might be in-house Counsel, business managers who negotiate deals, contract executives and commercial lawyers.

IP law training provides the commercial practitioner with a practical analysis of intellectual property. It will consider a number of the IP issues that will arise in the course of everyday legal practice and specialist situations such as mergers and acquisitions.


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  • On a date, time and in a location of your choice
  • Topics expanded or deleted to your bespoke requirements

Have this course pre-recorded

  • Full course recording edited exclusively for your company
  • Files converted to enable housing on your LMS
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