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Terrorist & Proliferation Financing

Learn the up-to-date terrorist financing methodologies, how to spot terrorist flows and their direct connections with sanctions and proliferation financing. We also cover best practices in CFT/PF prevention inside a business and the importance of professional scepticism to success.

The rich blue hues of a field of flowers swaying in the breeze

A half-day course

Terrorist & Proliferation Financing have become a key regulatory imperative, particularly as conflict has grown throughout the world in recent years. As the funding of terrorist organisations has become more sophisticated, the need for vigilance has increased, not just in financial institutions but through a range of businesses that have found themselves inadvertently exposed to fines and sanctions.

In addition, proliferation financing has become a priority for governments who are clamping down hard on any suggestion that trade and exports might be used for the purchase and development of weapons of mass destruction.

Our market-leading course covers all the up-to-date challenges facing businesses potentially exposed to facilitate the funding of terrorism and the creation of weapons of mass destruction. This course is packed with real-life case studies and examples to show delegates how terrorist & proliferation financing can be identified, equipping you with the skills needed to successfully meet the regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

 Taught by the leading trainer in this area you will learn:

  • The scale of the problem and how potential funding of terrorism/WMD is present in every part of the value chain, no matter what the business
  • Regulatory updates and responses; the FATF, Wolfsberg etc.
  • Identifying links between predicate crimes and TF/PF
  • The differences between money laundering and terrorist financing
  • How terrorists raise and transfer money
  • The increasing use of digital assets by terrorist organisations
  • Problems and solutions with identifying terrorist funds
  • Crossovers with sanctions and good list management
  • What do we mean by proliferation financing?
  • Strategic export control lists and their use
  • Examples of good and bad practices in PF management

The trainer has a unique blend of experience in Banking, Investment Banking, Asset Management and the Sports Industry. His expertise is valued worldwide reputation for the quality of his training courses which are complimented by his recent experience within the financial services and professional services industries.

He read History at Cambridge and then trained as a stockbroker in London before working with Dutch, Canadian and US investment banks in their sales, sales trading and trading departments. For three years he was given compliance oversight for a regulated investment bank based in Edinburgh.

He spent three years in India managing the learning & knowledge transfer section of a large investment banking offshoring project and then a year in Moscow, setting up the L&D Department (coupled with Graduate Recruitment) for Russia’s largest Investment Bank.

The trainer then moved to the Gulf where he was hired to set up the L&D and Graduate Recruitment areas for one of the world’s largest Sovereign Wealth Funds as well as overseeing compliance training for the organisation. Following this, he was seconded to perform the same function at the World Cup organising Committee.

He has recently also been Chair of a small regulated lending institution in the UK.

Between these stints back inside businesses, for the past 30 years, he has acted as an independent consultant and financial trainer with a focus on Financial Crime Compliance and has received the highest feedback for making these topics understandable and relatable to the everyday activities of clients and delegates. His global experience ensures that he understands a wide variety of cultures, how they learn and how to make that learning effective for each.

Redcliffe’s latest Terrorist & Proliferation Financing course for legal professionals will help participants to:

  • Understand the scale of terrorist & proliferation financing and the regulatory imperative to ensure compliance
  • How terrorist organisations raise money and the necessity for proceeds to be laundered
  • Understand the importance of ‘professional scepticism’
  • Chart the types of global regulatory bodies & standards, including strategic export control lists and how they are changing
  • Effectively show the connection between TF/PF and sanctions and how to use lists
  • Work through examples of breaches of the regulations and ‘best practice’

  • Developed specifically for those obliged entities who might be impacted by the terrorist & proliferation regulations
  • A thorough analysis of the ‘hot topics’ in TF/PF and the impact of recent events
  • Examining how sanctions and sanctions lists can help in identifying breaches of the regulations
  • Global learning perspective examining terrorist & proliferation from different regions and regulatory authorities
  • The course provides an effective overview of how to effectively include terrorist financing & proliferation financing in their FCC departments

This course covers the basics & best practices in combatting the financing of terrorism & preventing proliferation and is suitable for:

  • Anyone working in an obliged entity or supplier to the sector wishing to update their knowledge on preventing terrorist & proliferation financing
  • Graduates, trainees and interns within financial institutions who need an effective grounding in the topic
  • Those who need an overview of the latest regulatory requirements, and key developments globally in TF/PF
  • Management within an obliged entity that needs to keep up to date with ‘best practices’ and improve their internal processes

The course will review the most up-to-date terrorist financing methodologies and how to spot terrorist flows and their direct connections with sanctions and proliferation financing. It looks at best practices in CFT/PF prevention within a business and the importance of professional scepticism to success.

Have this course presented In-House

  • On a date, time and in a location of your choice
  • Topics expanded or deleted to your bespoke requirements

Have this course pre-recorded

  • Full course recording edited exclusively for your company
  • Files converted to enable housing on your LMS
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