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Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax

Learn about Updates, Tax Planning and Tax Traps

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A one-day course

Part One

Capital Gains Tax Training Overview

  • Business asset disposal relief
    • Key changes in recent Finance Acts
      • Minimum ownership period
      • Qualifying capital gains tax shares
      • Elections to avoid dilution issues
      • Reduction of the lifetime limit
    • Traps to avoid and key cases
  • Private residence relief
    • Finance Act 2020 changes, including
      • Deemed occupation
      • Letting relief effectively abolished in most circumstances
      • Inter-spousal transfers
    • The importance of ‘occupation’ and the evidence HMRC will require
    • Review of recent cases
  • Non-residents
    • The anti-avoidance for ‘temporary non-residents’
    • CGT charges on disposal of UK land and buildings
      • When it applies to capital gains tax return
      • Compliance and computation issues
    • The 60-day reporting and payment rules for UK residents disposing of UK residential property of capital gains tax on real estate

Part Two

Inheritance Tax Training Overview

  • Review of key IHT principles, including the importance of domicile status
  • How to plan a Will
    • Transferable nil rate band
    • Use of trusts
    • Deeds of variation
  • Understanding the residence nil rate band
    • When it is available
    • Transferability between spouses / civil partners
    • The complex ‘downsizing’ provisions
  • Business Property Relief (BPR) and Agricultural Property Relief (APR)
    • Main conditions
    • Problems with cash-rich businesses or those deriving value from L&B
    • Partnership structures and why they sometimes don’t work
    • Pre-death planning
    • Recent cases
  • FA 2020 changes to ‘excluded property’ rules
  • Key points for CGT planning and IHT planning from the F(No.2)A 2017 ‘deemed domicile’ rules

Our capital gains tax training is delivered by a Chartered Accountant who qualified with PwC in 1988, spending his last 18 months there in the Corporate Tax department.

In 1989 he joined a leading financial training company as a tax tutor, teaching final-level candidates for the ICAEW and ACCA examinations. Since 1992, he has been self-employed as a Professional Tutor and Training Consultant, specialising in tax update courses for accountants, lawyers and investment managers, as well as delivering our capital gains tax training and inheritance tax training.

However, inheritance tax training is just one string to his bow. He has been teaching in the financial services industry since 1994. Although he concentrates on the professional development market these days, he is very experienced in teaching stock brokers, fund managers and financial advisors for their various regulatory examinations. As a result, he is a tax specialist with (unusually) a very rounded knowledge of financial services products and markets. In 2012 this led to him undertaking Gapfill courses for the CISI.

He is a regular contributor to the Taxation magazine publication and speaks at regional conferences of the ICAEW and CIOT.

Our CGT training will bring you up-to-date on:

  • The key capital gains tax (CGT) reliefs, particularly business asset disposal relief and the main residence relief.
  • Capital gains tax charges and reporting requirements related to the disposal of UK residential property and (for non-residents) other UK land and buildings.
  • The impact on will planning of the inheritance tax (IHT) residential nil rate band and ‘downsizing’ provisions.
  • The latest developments in the business reliefs for inheritance tax.
  • The key inheritance and capital gains tax planning points and problems arising from the new ‘deemed domicile’ rules.
  • Our IHT Courses cover recent case law, HMRC guidance and other developments of capital gains tax on investment property.

  • This CGT training course is delivered by a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of experience in tax training.
  • Our capital gains tax training includes a discussion of a wide range of tax cases in this area.
  • There are many numbers-based practical examples to aid understanding of potential tax exposure.
  • Tax tips and traps are highlighted throughout.
  • We ensure our capital gains tax training is up-to-date and that all relevant issues from the Finance Act 2022 will be covered.

This training will look at both capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT). It will update you on changes that have taken place in recent years, and review many cases to demonstrate some of the practical problems that you may come across. Throughout, the emphasis of capital gains tax inheritance will be given to traps that can catch out the unwary.

Our inheritance tax training will look at the many ways you can save your client’s tax; these generally involve having a good understanding of what are often detailed rules and, crucially, planning well in advance of a disposal or transfer.

  • Very good instructor, engaging and very good at explaining sometimes complex topics
  • Very thorough, easy to understand layout. Examples were very helpful to understand the technical aspects.

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  • On a date, time and in a location of your choice
  • Topics expanded or deleted to your bespoke requirements

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  • Full course recording edited exclusively for your company
  • Files converted to enable housing on your LMS
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