Session 1: Introduction – The Regulatory Position
- Operational Resilience training begins with FCA and PRA positions – operational risk resilience to regulatory objectives
- Where we are now and how we got here
- Key milestones and practical validation requirements
- Rules or guidance – specific firm applicability concludes this session
- Further expectations by March 31, 2025
Case Studies: Issues at British Airways, O2, TSB Bank, HSBC
Session 2: Governance & Strategy
- Messaging – more than “Everyday Business Continuity”
- Prevent, Adapt, Respond, Recover, Learn
- SM24 responsibilities and broader Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) integration
- Roles for all leaders; line of sight to senior management
- Session two of this operational resilience course concludes with leadership in a hostile cyber environment
Session 3: Building an Effective and Compliant Operational Resilience Program
- Identifying key business services:
- Definitions
- Single activities – not groups
- Criteria for consistent assessment
- Alignment with other business themes
- Setting operational resilience impact tolerances:
- Identifying operational Risks resilience and Disruptors
- Probability / Impact / Control Effectiveness
- Value-based / Volume-based / Time-based
- Quantifying the maximum tolerable level of disruption
- Addressing both FCA and operational resilience PRA concerns
- This operational resilience masterclass covers the understanding of upstream/downstream dependencies by identifying and documenting:
- People
- Processes
- Technology
- Facilities
- Information
- Ongoing operational resilience management:
- First Line - Monitoring / Surveillance
- Second-line - Testing
- Scorecards / Dashboards – what, how, where
- Stress testing / Scenario modelling
- Annual review / Material change is covered during operational resilience training
Exercise in breakout rooms for groups to discuss challenges and opportunities in building an effective program using templated handouts
Session 4: Holistic Management Considerations
- Links to Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery
- Front, middle and back office – connecting the lines to benefit consumers
- What actually happens when business services are disrupted? Roles and responsibilities
- Communication plans – internal and external
- Employees – engage, empower, evolve
- Documenting effective FCA operational resilience self-assessment and lessons learned
Course Wrap-up:
- Summary
- Questions
- Open forum; participants attending our operational resilience framework course find this extremely helpful in concluding the session