
Our public courses can also be presented in-house for you, with the majority also available in live webinar format. Please contact us for details.

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Unitranche & Alternative / Direct Lending

Learn how to review Key Trends, Structures, Documentation & Topical Issues for Direct Lenders, Banks & Borrowers

Valuation Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of the main equity valuation techniques with this thorough and practical introductory course

Valuing a Financial Institution

Learn the different techniques that can be deployed in assessing financial institutions

Valuing a Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Company

Learn different, advanced techniques that can be utilised in assessing a pharmaceutical company’s value.

Valuing a Technology Company

Take these advanced techniques which are utilised in assessing a technology company’s value

Valuing Distressed Corporate Debt

Learn about the current distressed debt market structure and drivers

Venture Capital Finance

Learn how funds operate in the marketplace in Europe. Cover the full cycle of the Investment process and a review of the regulatory, tax & governance issues involved.

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