< Can Financial Modelling Be Automated? Excel Vs. Automation Explored

Can Financial Modelling Be Automated? Excel Vs. Automation Explored

09 August 2024
Has it ever occurred to you how businesses predict their future financial performance or make crucial strategic decisions? As a professional who works with financial modelling, you probably already know this.It's the magic wand that helps companies peer into their financial future.
Numbers in a row on a screen
Guiding them through the labyrinth of strategic planning, investment decisions, and forecasting.

But can financial modelling be automated?

The short answer is yes. Time efficiency, accuracy and consistency are some of the major reasons professionals are leaning into the automation process.

But there's more to it than that.

Definition and Importance of Financial Modelling

Financial modelling is essentially a crystal ball for businesses. It allows them to create a mathematical representation of their financial performance. It's like building a roadmap to navigate through the twists and turns of financial decision-making. From predicting future cash flows to evaluating investment opportunities, it is the compass that guides businesses toward their goals. Without it, companies would be sailing blind, at the mercy of unpredictable financial storms.

Evolution of Financial Modelling

Let's take a stroll down memory lane and explore how modelling has evolved over the years. Once upon a time, this was a laborious task done with pen, paper, and perhaps an abacus for good measure. Then came the digital revolution, and with it, the rise of Excel as the undisputed king of modelling. Suddenly, number crunching became as easy as pie (or should I say, as easy as Excel?).

But as technology marches ever forward, the question arises: What's next?

The Advent of Automation

Ah, automation—the holy grail of efficiency and productivity. But can financial modelling be automated so that we teach computers to do it for us? Let's roll up our sleeves and find out!

What is Automation in Financial Modelling?

Imagine having a personal assistant who handles all the tedious number-crunching tasks for you, leaving you free to focus on the big picture. That's automation in modelling in a nutshell. It’s the process of using software and tools to make the modelling process easier, saving time and reducing errors. Think of it as upgrading from a horse-drawn carriage to a sleek, high-speed train.

The Case for Automation

So the million-dollar question: why even go to the effort of automating financial modelling? Well, let me paint you a picture. Picture this: You've spent hours tweaking formulas in Excel, only to realise you made a tiny mistake that snowballs into a financial disaster. With automation, you can kiss those sleepless nights goodbye.

Here's why automation is becoming more popular:

  • Time Efficiency: Say goodbye to manual data entry and formula tweaking. Automation slashes modelling time, allowing you to focus on strategic analysis.
  • Accuracy: Computers are great at crunching numbers without typos or miscalculations. Automation ensures your models are as accurate as possible.
  • Consistency: No more inconsistencies between different versions of your model. Automation ensures uniformity and standardisation across the board.
But enough talk—let's see some real-life examples of automation in action.

Traditional and Automated Financial Modelling Compared

It's time for a showdown: Excel vs. Automated Tools. Which one reigns supreme in the world of modelling? Let's break it down.

Pros of Using Excel:

  • Widely Available: Excel is familiar to most finance professionals and readily available on almost every computer.
  • Flexibility: Excel offers a high degree of customisation and flexibility for ad-hoc analysis.
  • Low Cost: Compared to specialised software, Excel comes with a lower price tag.

Cons of Using Excel:

  • Prone to Errors: Complex models in Excel are prone to errors, especially with manual data entry and formula manipulation.
  • Limited Scalability: Excel struggles with large datasets and may not be suitable for complex financial models.
  • Time-Consuming: Updating and maintaining Excel models can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple versions and iterations.
Now, let's see how automated tools stack up against good old Excel.

Customisation and Flexibility

While Excel allows for a high degree of customisation, automated tools offer a different kind of flexibility:

Excel lets you build models from scratch, tailoring them to your specific needs. However, this customisation comes at the cost of time and complexity.

Businesses also making the leap from Excel to automated tools, may cite improved efficiency and accuracy. Fobes reports AI's transformative impact on financial forecasting. Automation is increasing due to AI's capacity to process large datasets, identify patterns, and refine forecasting models swiftly. This automation streamlines processes and reduces errors. It also enables quicker decision-making in dynamic markets. Additionally, AI-driven forecasting helps businesses adapt to market changes rapidly and manage risks effectively. As a result, organisations are increasingly turning to AI to optimise financial forecasting, driving the growth of automation in this field.

Implementing Automation in Financial Modelling

Ready to take the plunge into the world of automated financial modelling? Let's roll up our sleeves and get started!

Steps to Automate Financial Models

Transitioning from manual to automated models may seem daunting, but fear not! Here's a handy roadmap to guide you through the process:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Identify areas of your process that could benefit from automation.
  2. Choose the Right Tool: Research and select a software or tool that aligns with your business needs and budget.
  3. Data Migration: Transfer your existing models and data to the new platform, ensuring a smooth transition.
  4. Training and Implementation: Train your team on the new software and establish best practices for automation.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update your automated models to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Challenges and Considerations

Of course, no journey is without its hurdles. Here are some challenges to keep in mind when implementing automation:

Learning Curve

Ah, the dreaded learning curve. Introducing new software and workflows can be a daunting task for any team. Your finance professionals, accustomed to the familiar landscape of Excel, may initially feel like fish out of water when faced with a new automated tool. They'll need time to acclimatise to the new interface, learn the ins and outs of the software, and understand how it fits into their existing workflows. However, with proper training and support, they'll soon be navigating the new terrain with confidence and efficiency.


One of the biggest challenges when implementing automation is ensuring seamless integration with existing systems and processes. Your automated tool should seamlessly integrate with your company's existing software ecosystem, from accounting systems to data repositories. Failure to achieve this integration can lead to disruptions in workflow, data inconsistencies, and general chaos on the high seas of finance. It's essential to work closely with your IT department and software vendors to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any unexpected storms along the way.

Data Quality

Ah, the age-old adage: garbage in, garbage out. No matter how fancy your automated modelling tool may be, it's only as good as the data you feed it. Ensuring data quality is paramount to the success of your automated models. Clean, accurate data is the lifeblood of financial modelling, and any discrepancies or inaccuracies can lead to erroneous results and misguided decisions. It's crucial to establish robust data governance processes, including data validation, cleansing, and verification, to ensure that your models are built on a solid foundation. Remember, the devil is in the details, so don't overlook the importance of data quality in your quest for automation mastery.

By addressing these challenges head-on and implementing thoughtful strategies to overcome them, you'll be well on your way to smooth sailing in the world of automated modelling.

What's in Store for The Future?

What does the future hold for financial modelling? Grab your crystal ball, because we're about to make some predictions!

Predictions for Automation in Finance

As technology continues to evolve, so too will modelling. Here are some trends to keep an eye on:

  • Machine Learning and AI: Get ready for smarter, more predictive models powered by machine learning algorithms.
  • Blockchain Integration: Blockchain technology could revolutionise modelling by providing secure, transparent data sources.
  • Cloud Computing: The shift to cloud-based solutions will enable greater collaboration and accessibility.

Preparing for the Shift

Exciting times ahead! But how can finance professionals prepare for this brave new world? Here are some tips:

  • Develop Tech Skills: Stay ahead of the curve by honing your skills in data analysis, programming, and machine learning.
  • Continuous Learning: Keep abreast of emerging technologies and trends through courses, workshops, and online resources.
  • Adaptability: Embrace change and be open to new ways of working. Flexibility is key in the fast-paced world of finance.

Where To Go From Here?

And there you have it, folks! We've explored the ins and outs of financial modelling, from its humble beginnings to its automated future. Whether you're a seasoned finance pro or a newbie dipping your toes into the world of modelling, automation holds the promise of greater efficiency, accuracy, and insight:

  • Financial modelling is crucial for strategic planning and decision-making in businesses.
  • Automation offers benefits such as time efficiency, accuracy, and consistency.
  • Excel and automated tools each have their pros and cons, depending on the needs of your business.
  • Implementing automation requires careful planning and consideration of challenges such as the learning curve and data quality.
  • The future of modelling lies in technologies like machine learning, blockchain, and cloud computing.
Ready to supercharge your financial modelling skills? Check out our financial modelling courses and resources to learn more about automation and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of finance. Remember, the future favours the bold.

So what are you waiting for? Let's automate those models and take finance to new heights!


Can AI do Financial Modelling?

Yes, AI can perform modelling by analysing vast datasets, identifying patterns, and predicting future trends. Through machine learning algorithms, AI can optimise portfolio management, risk assessment, and decision-making processes in finance. Its ability to process complex data swiftly and adapt to changing market conditions makes AI a valuable tool.

Why is Financial Modelling so hard?

It's challenging due to the intricate interplay of variables like market dynamics, economic factors, and regulatory changes. It demands precision in forecasting cash flows, valuations, and risk assessments amidst uncertainty. The complexity amplifies the need for accurate scenario analysis and sensitivity testing. Additionally, modelling requires expertise in both finance and mathematics to interpret data correctly and make informed decisions. Mastering these aspects amidst dynamic market conditions and evolving technology makes modelling a formidable task.

What is the best tool for Financial Modelling?

Excel remains a popular choice due to its flexibility and widespread use. Its formulas, functions, and customisable features allow for complex calculations and scenario analysis. However, specialised software like MATLAB, and Python with libraries like Pandas and NumPy, and dedicated platforms such as Bloomberg Terminal and Tableau offer advanced analytics and visualisation capabilities. The best tool depends on the complexity of the model, user proficiency, and specific requirements, with Excel often serving as a foundational tool complemented by more specialised software when needed.
Eager to boost your net worth and master financial modelling? Click below to find out more about Redcliffe Training’s Financial Modelling courses:

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